Puc anar a fer punta? – Can I sharpen the pencil?
Estic tipa. – I am full /staffed.
Què hi ha per dinar? – What’s for lunch?
Agafem el lot? – Do we need the flashlight?
Què farem després? What’s next? / What are we going to do later?
Què ens podem anar a dutxar? – Can we have a shower, please?
Estàs brut. – You are dirty.
On anirem avui? – Where are we going today?
Quines activitats hem de fer? - What activities should we do?
Què hi ha de segon plat? - What for second dish?
Quant temps tenim? - How much time do we have?
Xemeneia - Chimney
Quant temps tenim? - How much time do we have?
Xemeneia - Chimney
Crec que ha estat una experiència molt profitosa.